Plant Mirror Plant

While only a few trees here burst with fall color – a favorite is the fiery Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis) - there are other plants that add a golden glow to the garden. One that shines, literally, is the mirror plant (Coprosma repens). The small oval leaves on this New Zealand native gleam as if they’ve been varnished and new cultivars are rich in autumn tones of gold, ruby and copper. Cooling weather enhances their jewel colors, though the slow-growing shrubs 3 to 6 feet tall are attractive all year. Grow them in full sun to part shade; prune to shape. Some choice selections are ‘Pink Splendor’ with leaves splashed with gold, pink and maroon and “Tequila Sunrise’ that glows brilliant orange and red in fall and winter. Look for them at specialty nurseries around the county.