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Fine Arts

Fine Arts

The garden can be the site for many art lessons. Try field sketching with notes of plants and animals found in the garden. Have a set of clipboards for student use for garden illustration. Use different media to capture the beauty of the garden, both close-up and as landscapes. Have students conduct clos-up observations.  Then record with a camera or sketch. Have students try to find where another student's photo or sketch was made. Create a classroom bulletin board, PowerPoint, or book (e.g. Our Garden Up Close)..  The garden can also be the inspiration for other art lessons back in the classroom. Ideas and rough sketches from the garden can lead to wonderful artistic expression!

There are endless ideas for garden related crafts. Click here to link to School Garden References for some suggested books. Also attend workshops, get ideas from craft and garden shops, magazines, the Internet, and other teachers. Dried flowers or gourds can be used in craft projects and sold or given as gifts. Names can be grown on pumpkins. Decorative plant or row markers can be made using ice-cream sticks, tongue depressors, paint sticks, smooth rocks or other available materials.

Learning about plants and animals in the garden can be especially fun for children through singing. Garden themed lyrics have been adapted to many familiar tunes. If a sound system is available, introduce different kinds of music while children are working in the garden. Classical music can become associated with the fun of gardening. "The Flight of the Bumblebee" becomes a real experience and can lead to a science lesson on bees.  Instrumental music instruction can take place in the garden on nice days!

Not only can plays be written in the garden, but they can be performed in the garden if there is an outdoor classroom area for "stage" and audience. Some garden areas have room for more than one class so that classes can perform for each other.